Photographic Prints

Prints Posted on

LinkYearDate DetailBrief DescriptionDetails
127 2005 9/17/05-10/1/05 BarnfuloBlus-Mt.Wash Barnful of Blues, New Boston 9/17
Jen&truck at Leom. SF 9/22
JL & Evan on Watatic 9/24
Mt. Washington w/Jen 10/1
128 2005 10/1/05 - 10/2/05 Mt.Wash-Lafayette Mt Washington w/ Jen 10/1
Franconia Ridge - Lafayette w/ Jen 10/2
136 2006 2/20/06-2/22/06 Savannah trip 1 TBA&CBA w/bags, Dad on the train 2/20
Dad leaves train
peanuts in park
big globe
Sena&Dad at Sena's
Jean Driscoll&Dad
Fort Pulaski w/Dad
Whit&Sena at home w/Dad 2/21
find Pen Point 2/22
137 2006 2/22/06-2/27/06 Savannah2-Jen's longwalkways
140 2006 4/9/06-4/21/06 Martha-CharlesWeddng 4/9 Martha&shampooer
4/16 Martha & Easter eggs, Easter gathering w/ Bruce, et al, Tugger & Myrtle
4/21 Charles' & Andrea Wedding
141 2006 4/21/06-4/22/06 Charles'Weddng-Lenis 4/21 Charles' wedding and gang at Cat & Glen's, Cat & Glen's house
4/22 Leni & Mike and button zone in Leni's shop
142 2006 4/29/06-4/30/06 Post-KatrinaJazzFest 4/29 JazzFest
4/30 NOLA shots, JazzFest
143 2006 4/30/06 JazzFest 4/30 JazzFest
144 2006 4/30/06-5/21/06 JazzFest-Wapack 4/30 JazzFest
5/1 leaving New Orleans, photos at 70 mph
5/2 truck "supreior service"
5/7 Jen with light anomaly & CA on Monadnock
5/18 Jen & truck at Leom. SF
5/21 Wapack Trail hike Windblown - Watatic
146 2006 6/2 - 6/26/06 Berli Blues-DanTree 6/3 Berlin Blues Fest
6/4N Half Wapack w/Jen&Rudy
Rosie at home
6/15 Martha, Kellan, Rudy, Rosie - Blood Hill
Rudy in CA car
6/26 Dit's house, Dan in garden, Dan's wire tree
147 2006 6/26-7/17/06 VisitMom-Tumbledown 6/26 visit Mom wi/Dit&Alyssa
Dit at Trader Joe's
Dinner at Tom & Jane's
6/27 Mom & Jane at nursing home
7/2 CM on ladder
7/3 Ashby's Allen Field fest
CM & Bob at C&M's
C & M's brown pool
7/4?Jen at truck
7/15-16 Rockland Blues Fest
7/17 Tumbledown Mt
148 2006 7/7-7/8/06 Dickey&Welch-Presi's 7/7 Dickey & Welch wth Jen
7/8 Tents at Lafayette Place
Jefferson & Adams w/Jen
149 2006 7/8-7/15/06 Jefferson-Rockland 7/8 Descending Jefferson
7/9 Franconia Ridge via Falling Waters - Lafayette - Bridle Path w/Jen
7/15-16 Rockland Fest
150 2006 7/17-7/19/06 TumbledownMt-Wises' 7/17 Tumbledown Mt.
7/18 Wises' Maranicook Lk house
Big Thorm
Trees & road obstructions
7/19 Charles, Brennan, Mark, Glen & canoe
short hike with the gang
151 2006 8/11-8/12/06 Moosilauke-Bond 8/11 Moosilauke w/Jen & Rudy
8/12 Bondcliff-Bond w/ Jen & Rudy
152 206 8/12-8/14/06 Bond-C&M's 8/12 Bond w/ Jen & Rudy - Guyot - South Twin - Galehead Hut
8/14 Cedwyn, Kellan, and Rudy at home
153 2006 8/17-8/18/06 Amh Doggies-Gatherng 8/17 Abbe & Boo w/cast
8/17 Berni w/ Candy 1st X
Doc & Laura & Stella 1st X
8/18 Wayne's house and trailer
8/18 CA's setup at Gathering
CA moves tent
Doc & Eric
Campsite at sunset
154 2006 8/19-8/20/06 Gathering 8/19 rain & wind at Gathering
scenic Gathering
8/20 CA w/ Reluctant Dragon
Poop-it-up, the outhouse
155 2006 9/4-9/9/06 Sharefest-Charlemont 9/4 Sharefest at Sandi & Ted's
Jeff jumps off their deck
9/9 Ann & Frank in garage
9/9 scud, CA in car, etc. at Charlemont Reggae Fest
156 2006 9/10-9/24/06 Wachusett-Monadnock 9/10 Wachusett Blues Fest
Billy Letters w/scar
9/15 standing stones (zen rocks) at Watatic w/Rudy (after 9/12 w/Jen&Rudy)
Watatic pond
9/24 Monadnock w/ Jen
157 2006 7/22-8/11/06 RI Reggae-Moosilauke 7/22 RI Reggae Fest
7/30(?) CM & Rudy on porch
8/5 Barnful of Blues
8/7 Doc Hibbs
8/7 murky Mansfield
8/8 Jim & Charles at the KP
8/11 Franconia Notch from 93
8/11 Jen w/Roaring Brook waterfall, Moosilauke
158 2006 9/30-10/7/06 JLWatatic-JLMonadnoc 9/30 Watatic w/JL & Evan
blaze painters
9/30 Jen and new(on 9/30) truck at Watatic
10/5 Jason on keyboard 1st X Vernon Hotel
10/7 Pumpkin Fest hasn't started
10/7 Monadnock via dublin w/JL & Evan
159 2006 10/7-10/28/06 JLMonadnock-Nutting 10/7Monadnock w/JL&Evan
10/7MonadnockfmMarlboro causeway
10/13Jen, Rudy,&CA Watatic
10/21Eric&dogs&rented van at #16
10/21Blame it on Tina Deja Brew
Donna drums
10/22Martha&Rudy Blood Hill
10/28 Wataticw/Jen&Rudy
160 2006 10/29-10/31/06 Monadnock-Watatic 10/29 Jen on Mossy Brook Trail
Monte Rosa
Cliff Walk
10/30 Margo & X on skates at Lucky Dog
Jason & band
10/31 Kellan's pirate costume
10/31 Jen&Rudy on Watatic
161 2006 11/2-11/10/06 Dibble-voteAllen 11/10Dibble&Pat MHT
11/2Eric,Cass,&Charlotte at C&M's
11/5 Dan&Daisy
T&J at Taq 2
Jane & Mom nursing home
11/6 Dit's needlepoint
gingerbread house
Mom on lift
T&J's dinner
11/7gingerbread house, Dan&Daisy
162 2006 11/17-12/2/06 slowFloat-Mt Tom 11/17 wierd ball on flatbed blocking late-night John Fitch
11/19 Laura&Doc post-Levon
11/22 Martha's new van & CM's new blue Honda
11/23 Rocchis' Thanksgiving
12/2 Mt Tom Range run/walk w/Jen
163 2006 12/2-12/22/06 Mt Tom-T&J new house 12/2 Mt Tom range w/Jen
12/10 Rosie in XMas garb, Rudy as an elf
gingerbread house
12/20 Kellan & Jack w/frisbee
12/22 first visit to T&J's new house
164 2006 12/22-12/24/06 newhouse-nursinghome 12/22 w/ Dad at new house
12/22 Colvin Run Xmas dinner
Dit outside
12/24 Dit & smoke detector
XMas brunch at T&J's &w/Hoyts
Dan togs as Santa
Dan Santa at Nursing Home
165 2006 12/24/06 XMasnursinghome-Dits 12/24 Mom, Santa, & elves at nursing home
sweaty Dan de-togging as Santa
XMas tree
166 2006 12/25/06-1/14/07 XMasbrunch-memservic 12/25 Westin (Fairmont) Xmas brunch w/T&J
12/27 duct-taped decor at Acton Monsoon
12/30grey,snowy Blood Hill
12/30Kevin&Nicki at home
Tucker chair&palm tree
1/7 N half Wapack w/Jen&Rudy
zen rocks & UFO
1/14 Taq 2 brunch
1/14 T&J memorial svc for Mom
167 2007 1/14-1/25/07 MomSvc-loadngCharles 1/14 T&J memorial svc for Mom &w/Scott&Lisa
1/15 Dit's XMas tree
Dit&Daisy at park w/ pipes
T&J at Clyde's McLean
1/16 w/Dad - new house
1/17 icy route to work
1/17(?)my ne cubicle w/Diane, Neal's new office
1/25 loading Charles' stuff at Cat&Glen's
168 2007 1/29-3/8/07 Watatic-DibbleNJ 1/29 Jen & Rudy nighttime Watatic
2/11 X-C Mountaintop w/Jen
Bruce, Ody, Alex, & Becky visit C&M's
2/20(?) Monadnock from Windblown
2/25 Horans' warming hut
Rudy,Jen,&CA Nutting Hill
3/8 Dibble's trailer Highlands, NJ
169 2007 3/8-3/9-07 Dibble'sNJ-Langerado 3/8 Dibble's trailer Highlands, NJ
3/9 Langerado
170 2007 3/9-3/20/07 Langerado-McNally's 3/9- Langerado
3/12 Paul & Susan's place
Dibble at work
wierd BMW
3/14 Blame it on Tina at William's Rest
3/18 Windblown w/Jen&CM
3/20Sunset&XC Wachusett w/Jen
3/20 Jen at McNally's
171 2007 3/29/07 Gilrein's Reopening Gilrein's Reopening
172 2007 3/31-4/7/07 Watatic-Eastereggs 3/31 Watatic w/CM,Jen,Myrtle,Rudy
4/1 Mondadnock & Fairy Spring w/Jen
4/3 CA & Jen at Leom. SF
4/5 Blame it on Tina at McNallys &w/C&M&G
4/7 Kellan w/Easter egg dyes
173 2007 4/8-4/19/07 CAface-9001 4/8 CA scraped face from WIndblown
4/8 Easter dinner at C&M's
4/19 Dit, Dan, Daisy, & Jen at Dit's
Dan's wire tree
Great Falls w/D&D&D
4/19 The Beast built at 9001
176 2007 4/19-4/20/07 Dit's-Shennandoah 4/19 Dit's house
4/19 T&J's new house, empty, w/Jen&T&J
Jane's Mini-Cooper
4/20 Alyssa's room
4/20 White Oak Canyon - Hawksbill - Cedar Run w/Jen
4/20 Old rag from Skyline Dr.
177 2007 4/21-4/22/07 Shennanoah-Taq2 4/21 -Little Devel's staircase w/Jen
4/21 Jen at Taq 2
4/22 T&J's new house after bringing 1 load
Dad watching Sunday shows at Langholm
Dit's house & Daisy
Dad & Dit at Taq 2
178 2007 5/1-5/19/07 moonlight-Watatic 5/1 Jen & Rudy moonlight Watatic
5/3 Jen at Muddy Pond shelter
5/6 w/Jen on Monadnock
5/12 JL&Eve's anniversary party
5/13 CA, Jen,&Rudy on Crotched Mt
5/19 Jen & Rudy wet Watatic
179 2007 5/20-6/22/07 MuddyPond-PillsbrySP 5/20 Muddy Pond shelter
rope at stream
overlooking Stodge Meadow Pond
5/20 CM on porch
6/3 Martha & Rudy on Watatic
6/4 Eric at #16
6/16 Rudy, tired in car
6/17 C&M shear sheep w/electric clippers
6/22 Jen at Pillsbury SP
180 2007 5/26-6/2/07 Wormfest-BerlinBlues 5/26-7 Wormfest, Greenfield
5/28 Ashby Memorial Day parade
5/28 CM w/ Rudy on Little Watatic
5/29moonlight Watatic w/Jen&Rudy
6/2 RB & Judy at home
6/2 Berlin Blues Festival
181 2007 6/22-7/8/07 M-SGreenway-Wapack 6/22CA&Jen Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway
Lk Solitude
6/23lousy Woodbury Reggae Fest
6/23Hanging Hills of Meriden
6/24Hugh&Julie at C&M's
6/30 LisaMarie et al Sandi&Ted's
7/1w/CM&Rudy-WillardBk SF
catw/truncated tail
182 2007 7/8/07 Eric's Dublin house 7/8 Eric's new house, empty w/Jen&Rudy (& Maggie & Isa)
183 2007 7/14-7/22/07 Rockland-RI Reggae 7/14 Rockland Blues Fest
Ted and Sandi in motel
7/15 rainy Sunday at Rockland Fest
attempt at flotsam&jetsam shop
7/21 Reggae Fest parking
7/22 AM view from tent
185 2007 8/11-8/20/07 Gathering-Macomb 8/11 sunny Gathering
Doc & Airstream
8/18 AshbyFest
8/19 Mansfield w/Jen
8/20 top of Macomb slide w/Jen
186 2007 8/20-8/21/07 Macomb-Cascade 8/20 Macomb, S. Dix, E. Dix, Houg (and Pough), and Dix w/Jen
8/20 shoes are NOT mudded after 4 trailless 'Dacks!
8/21 Cascade
187 2007 8/21-8/24/07 Cascade-Kevin&NIckis 8/21 Cascade & Porter w/ Jen
8/23 boss Neal at SG dunk tank
8/24 Kevin & Nicki in new garage
188 2007 8/25-9/2/07 Dogs #16-RBMonadnock 8/25 Rudy and Lucky on the couch
8/25 Leominster Fest
9/1 Eric & Cass at home
Eric's 4 Jerry prints
9/1 Martha & giant teddy bear
C&M&K basketball, G on porch
9/2 hike Monadnock via Monte Rosa w/RB
189 2007 9/3-9/30/07 Midstate-Watatic 9/3 Midstate Trail w/Martha & Parker
9/8 Charlemont Reggae Fest
new bldg
9/9 Wachusett Blues Fest
Kevin & Nicki
9/16 CM,Lucky,Rudy,&Jen Wapack
9/22Martha cleaning pool
9/29 Watatic w/JL&Rudy
9/30 Watatic w/Martha
190 2007 10/6/07 Bondcliff-Zealand 10/6 Bondcliff, Bond, West Bond, Guyot, and Zealand w/Jen
191 2007 10/6-10/7/07 Zealand-Willey 10/6 trail to Zealand hut
water pump
10/7 Tom, Field,Willey and Avalon w/Jen
192 2007 10/7-10/13/07 tent-CM's 50th 10/7 tent blown asunder
10/13 Cedwyn & Bruce's 50th B'day party
193 2007 10/13-10/24/07 CM's 50th-Watatic 10/13 Cedwyn & Bruce's 50th B'day party
10/21 w/Jen to Monadnock
10/21 Eric & Cass at Dublin trailhead, Charlotte in car
10/24 moonlight Watatic w/ Jen & Rudy
194 2007 11/8-11/10/07 Dan'sBerryCorral-T&J 11/8 Dan's berry corral project
T&J at Dit's for dinner
11/9 Tom and Jane settled at new home
Dan in basement
11/10 T&J's new house and sauna
195 2007 11/10-11/18/07 T&J's-BIOTatFarm 11/10 Tom & Jane's house
new TV in box
Taq 2 at night
11/11 Daisy
Taq 2 brunch
11/16 UMass Campus Center
11/17 Healy,McNally,Walton,&MtGirl
11/18 Abbe,Jim,&Ona at home
11/18 Blame it on Tina at Red Apple Farm
196 2007 11/19-12/9/07 SG,Rocchi's-Rudy 11/19(?)Rob&Tim at SG
11/22 Ann & Frank & A & A at home
11/23 many Morgans at C&M's
12/2 Rudy & Lucky in Watatic lot
CM'sfallen tree
12/8 CM& his tree
12/8 C&M&K Caton Hill, Rudy digs
12/9 Matha w XMas tree
12/9 Rudy on Nuttiing Hill
197 2007 12/15-24/07 Windblown-T&J's 12/15CA&Jen at Windblown
12/16#16 w/16" snow
12/21Windblown w/Martha
T&J TV mounted, XMas tree,Amigo w/CA
Andrew at Tyson's
Dad at grocery store
Praline's dinnr Glen Echo
Pete w/piano
12/24 CA &Amigo
198 2007 12/24-12/25/07 XMas&brunches 12/24 Brunch at T&J's w/Mary Hoyt & Tom Hoyt
Andrew & Amigo
Mary w/Amigo
WV & 9001 on the wall
XMas candle jugs on street at T&J's
12/25 XMas at the Michels'
Brunch w/T&J&Andrew
199 2007 12/30/07-1/22/08 Watatic-Joya's House 12/30/07 Watatic w/Jen&Rudy
1/10/08 Blood Hill w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,Parker, Rudy in van
1/12Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
1/13 X-C Waterville w/Jen
1/21 T&J's house
Andrew w/limes
Andrew & Amigo
Dan in shop
1/22 Joya's house from Chain Bridge
200 2008 1/22-2/9/08 T&J's-Daisy Droopy snow at #16
1/22 Dad's Bday at T&J's
1/27 T&J&Andrew at Taq2
2/2 Watatic w/Jen&Rudy&Lucky
2/9 Dad at grocery store
Jane asleep in TV room
Dan's mulch pile
Dad in his office
201 2008 2/24-3/4/08 #16 snow-tug of war #16 w/snow (date?)
2/24 Jen at McNally's
3/2 Dad at Taq2
Dan's shield & cabinet at Taq2
Dan's garden
Jane resting in bed
Pete at PC
family dinner by nurse at T&J's
Alyssa,Dit,Dad at T&J's
3/4 Jane died
3/4 Chinese dinner
3/4 Alyssa & Dan tug of war
202 2008 3/22-4/20/08 IcyWatatic-Martha 3/22 Icy Watatic w/Jen&Rudy&Lucky
3/23 Windblown w/CM
Lucky assists the dishwasher
4/6 foggy Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
Willard Brook run w/CM&Rudy&Lucky, Casper's Cave
4/20Willard Brook run w/Cedwyn,Jen,Rudy,Lucky
4/20 Martha in kitchen
203 2008 4/25-5/1/08 Wapack-JazzFest 4/25 N half of Wapack w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
dogs tow us down South Pack Monadnock
Temple Mt cleaned
Cabot Skyline
5/1 JazzFest
"Nesting Bird"
204 2008 4/26-5/2/08 Dogs at #16-JazzFest 4/26 (date?) Rudy & Lucky relax at #16
5/1 JazzFest
CA w/Klon at JazzFest

5/2 JazzFest
205 2008 5/2-5/4/08 JazzFest 5/2-5/4 JazzFest
206 2008 3/9-3/19/08 Midstate-BerryCorral 3/9 Midstate w/Jen
3/14 Taq2 w/Janet,Russell,Alyssa
Michels' living room
3/15 Dad awaits Jane's service
Jane's service
3/16 Taq2 brunch w/family visitors
3/19 Michels' front yard w/haystack bushes gone
Dan's berry corral
208 2008 5/17-6/8/08 BIOT-Wapack 5/17 Blame it on Tina at Wendell Full Moon Coffeehouse
5/26 Ashby Memorial Day Parade
Morgans' pet cemetary
CA's Hyundai
6/8 N. Wapack w/ Jen, Rudy, Lucky
209 2008 6/8-6/21/08 Wapack-Car 6/8 N. Wapack w/ Jen, Rudy, Lucky
6/10 Drill rig at #16
6/12 new well
6/12 Blood Hill w/Martha & Parker
6/14 Monadnock w/Jen
6/15 Wapack Windblown-Watatic w/Jen, Rudy, Lucky
6/21 Watatic w/Martha & dogs
6/21 Hyundai
210 2008 6/22-7/2/08 Meadowbk-McNally's 6/22 Meadowbrook w/ Jen & Eric
6/28 TedFest
6/29 N Pack Monadnock w/Martha,Jen,Rudy,Lucky
6/30 Wapack w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
Shed of Splinters
7/2 Jen & truck at McNally's
211 2008 7/4-7/5/08 Moosilauke-W Bond 7/4 wedge steps on Roaring Brook Trail
7/4 Moosilauke
7/5 Jen on rock in stream
N. Twin
S. Twin
W. Bond
212 2008 7/5-7/12/08 Bond-RocklandFest 7/5 Bond
7/9 old pressure tank
7/9 Mark trenches & plumbs new well
7/9 Blood Hill w/Martha, Rudy, Lucky, Parker,Jack
New pressure tank & plumbing
7/12 Rockland Blues Fest from Time Out Pub
213 2008 7/12-7/22/08 RocklandFest-N Pack 7/12 - 13 Rockland Blues Fest
Ted in room
Sandi & Ted at fest
7/19-20 RI Reggae Fest
7/22 N. Pack Monadnock w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
214 2008 7/24-7/30/08 Luckyw/quills-drywel 7/24 Lucky w/porcupine quills
7/25 Kevin & Nicki & Sydney & Teagan & RV
7/26 Blame it on Tina at The Rendezvous
7/27(?) Watatic w/ Rudy & Lucky
Runoff damage by house & well
7/30 drywell installation
215 2008 7/31-8/3/08 Frontyard-Gathering 7/31 front yard smoothed after drywell installation
7/31 Doc & Stella packing for Gathering
8/1-3 Gathering of the Vibes
Eric, Cass, & Charlotte
216 2008 8/3-8/15/08 Gathering-Tripyramid 8/3 Eric leaves Gathering
8/5 Anton, Tracie
Jody, & Squire
8/6 Dad at Marco Polo
8/7(?) Dad walking Daisy
8/14 Caton Hill w/Martha, Rudy, Lucky, & Parker
8/15 Tripyramid w/Jen,Rudy,& Lucky
217 2008 8/20-9/6/08 Jen shops-BIOT Hanna 8/20 Jen shops
8/22 Dad at South Station
8/22 N Pack Monadnock w/Jen,Rudy,&Lucky
8/26 JL, Eve, & Evan
8/27 Blood Hill w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,&Parker
9/1 Monadnock via Pumpelly w/Jen
9/6 Charlemont Reggae Fest
9/6 Blame it on Tina in rains of Hanna
218 2008 8/23-9/14/08 AshbyFest-WormFest 8/23 AshbyFest
9/6 Blame it on Tina, Jim, Doc in rains of Hanna at Franklin County Fair, Greenfield
8/7 Wachusett Blues Fest
Billy & Dave Letters at Blues Fest
9/7 Jen & CA at Stodge Meadow Pond view on Midstate
9/14 Wormfest
219 2008 9/16-9/23/08 Watatic-Norwottuck 9/16 Watatic w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,Parker
9/18 Caton Hill w/Martha,Lindsey,Rudy,Lucky,Parker
9/20 Mt Cardigan w/Jen
9/21 Garlic Festival with BIOT
9/23 Norwottuck w/ RB
220 2008 9/23-10/5/08 Berni-Pumpkin 9/23 Berni at home
Jim,Abbe,Ona,Nash, & face tree at home
9/27 Jen,Rudy,Lucky in parking lot
9/28 N Pack Monadnock w/Jen & Lucky, murky day
10/4 waning Pumpkin Fest Ashby Common
10/5 CM's giant pumpkin
10/5 Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
10/5 pumpkin in van
221 2008 10/5-10/12/08 SteveGoingBenefit-NH 10/5 Steve Going Benefit
10/5 Billy Letters
10/11 Glen Boulder & So. Presidentials w/Jen
10/12 Lafayette loop w/Jen
222 2008 10/12-10/31/08 Lafayette-Martha 10/12 Lafayette loop w/Jen
10/14(?) Pumpkins at Morgans'
10/25 Watatic & NH jct w/JL
10/26 Monadnock w/Jen
10/31(?) Martha in kitchen
223 2008 11/1-11/19/08 Pumpkins-old boiler 11/1(?) C&M's giant pumpkins on porch &w/Martha & Rudy
11/2 Martha mowing
11/7 Tucker in his chair at Kevin & Nicki's
11/9 Blood Hill w/Cedwyn,Martha,Rudy,Lucky,Parker,Stephan&Linda et al
N Pack Monadnock w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
11/19 old and new boiler
224 2008 11/22-11/27/08 BIOT-Thanksgiving 11/22 BIOT at Red Apple Barn
11/23 roofing at #16
11/23 Monadnock via Fairy Spring w/Jen
11/24 roofing #16
11/25 house as lvg for VA
11/26 Dad's yard sprinklers vented
11/26 errands w/Dad
11/26 Dit at Taq 2
11/27 Dan at Thksgvg dinner
225 2008 11/27-12/12/08 Thksgvg-Ice Storm 11/27 Thanksgiving at Dad's
11/28 Lindsay at grocery store & balloons
11/30 Watatic w/Rudy & Lucky
12/3 Blood Hill w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,Parker
12/4 Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
Rudy in car
12/7 Hitchcock&Bare w/Jen
12/12 #16 after Ice Storm
226 2008 12/12-12/25/08 Ice Storm-Dad IHOP 12/12 Iced trees
12/13(?) damaged pole
12/18 new riser & cardboard sign
12/21crew fixes transformer&hookup
12/22 CA's mess at C&M's
CA snowy house & new elec svc
12/23 XMas dinner at Michels'
12/24 Praline's &w/Mary & Tom
12/25 Xmas at Dit's
227 2008 12/30/08-1/10/09 Baseboards-Watatic 12/30 furniture moved to expose baseboards for fix
1/3/09 Watatic w/Jen
1/4 Stump Sprouts w/Jen
1/6 Moonlight Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
1/10 Windblown buildings & scenes, w/Jen
1/10 Moonlight Watatic w/Jen,Cedwyn,Rudy,Lucky
228 2009 1/17/09-1/26/09 Caton-Watatic 1/17 CM atop Caton
1/19 Jen Stump Sprouts
transformer to new pole at #16
1/21 Eric,bro,&family at Windblown, chipper
1/22(?) Watatic w/Jen
1/24 Watatic w/Jen & Rudy & Lucky
Gwen, Lindsey, Kellan, & Kate prep fr formal
1/25 Jen X-C (viking?)
229 2009 1/26/09-2/15/09 Watatic-Watatic 1/26 Jen Watatic w/Rudy & Lucky-ski tracks at split rock
1/31 Windblown w/Jen
1/31 BIOT at Rendezvous, couple admires art
2/2Watatic wJen &R&L,night,snowing
2/8 Watatic sunset w/R&L
2/13Watatic w/Martha,R&L& Parker
2/14 Watatic w/R&L
2/15 Watatic w/Jen,
230 2009 2/16/09-2/24/09 Watatic-CA in car 2/16 Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
2/17 Jen saws LSF
2/17 Harlow's w/Eric,Cass,Charlotte,Nikki,Steve,Kaden
2/18 Watatic w/Martha, snowing
2/20 Watatic w/Jen &R&L
2/21 Eric,Cass,&Charlotte at Crotched
Eric & Doc on lift
2/24 Windblown w/ Eric
2/24 CA in car
231 2009 2/27/09-3/16/09 Watatic-Caton 2/27(?) Watatic w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
2/28 Watatic
3/1 Watatic w/CM,Jen,R&L

3/7 Watatic w/Martha
3/8 Bromley w/Jen&Doc
Watatic w/R&L
3/11 Eric's bicycle wall
Hyundai mirror & windshield
3/16 Caton Hill w/ CM & Rudy & Lucky
232 2009 4/2/09-4/9/09 Doc -Watatic 4/2 Doc in chainsaw helmet
4/3 Woodstock monument
4/4 Watatic w/ Rudy & Lucky
4/5 Becky, Lindsey, Martha on back deck
4/8 Watatic w/ Martha & Rudy & Lucky
4/9 Watatic w/ Jen & R & L
233 2009 4/29/09-4/30/09 NOLA hotel-JazzFest 4/29 view from NOLA hotel
4/30 CA & Klon
bus token sales office on Canal
234 2009 5/1/09-5/4/09 JazzFest-Bourbon St JazzFest
rain and downspoits
NOLA self-service parking attendant
Bourbon St in the daytime
235 2009 5/6/09-5/15/09 Watatic-Dad's fan Watatic w/Lucky (when?)
5/6 Caton w/Martha
5/14 Dan&Jerry repair sidewalk
Dit at store
Dan at store
Kyle & Alyssa
5/15 walk in progress
Dad at store
fans & flood floors at Dad's
236 2009 5/10/09-5/17/09 Caton-Taq 2 5/10 Caton w/Haines & Staceys
5/12 Jen at McNally's
5/15 Dad's basement post-flood
videos drying
Dad and his phone
repaired walkway and covered
5/17 Taq 2 brunch
237 2009 5/25/09-7/3/09 Mem Day-GratefulFest 5/25 Ashby Memorial Day
5/28 (or 5/30) Jen & truck LSF
6/3 Monadnock w/ Jen
6/7 Caton w'/ CM & Martha, Rudy on leash (5/18 surgery), Lucky
6/14 Blood Hill w/Martha, R & L, & Frosty goat
Kellan's poster
6/17 Jody
6/28 Monadnock w/Jen
7/3 OH Fest
238 2009 7/4/09-7/11/09 GratefulFest-Rocklnd ~7/4 Grateful Fest, Garrettsville, OH
7/7 Woodstock posters in car
Rudy with Victorian collar
Kellan and Laurel dressed up
Gwen squints
7/11-12 Rockland fest
239 2009 7/11/09-7/25/09 Rockland-Jen wedding 7/11-12 Rockland Blues festival
Lobster pot & buoys store eliminated
posters and tubes in living room
7/17 Jen after LSF and rinse
7/18-19 RI Reggae Fest
7/21 Caton w/ Martha
7/25 Jen's wedding
240 2009 07/25/09 Jen's wedding 7/25-26 Jen and Alyssa's wedding and camping after
241 2009 7/26/09-8/5/09 Wedding camping-Rudy 7/26 post-wedding camping
7/31 Rudy,Lucky, Jen in car
7/31 Ted's Trail N Pack w/Jen & R&L
stimulus act sign
7/31 Leom.rainbow
8/1 Jerry cutout in car
8/1 Doc's Jerry's B'day party, Christa, Ilani, et al
8/1 Bart,Kate,Cuillan Jim & Abbe's
8/2 Sandi&Ted'
242 2009 8/6/09-8/15/09 Blood Hill-Woodstock 8/6(?) Blood Hill (?) w/Rudy & Lucky
8/7 Norwottuck w/RB
glove (of buried hand?)
8/7 Eric & Charlotte
8/8 Charlemont reggae Fest
8/10(?) double-exposed Dit at video store
8/15 Woodstock monument, painted VW bug
243 2009 8/15/09-8/22/09 Woodstock-BluesNBrew 8/15 Woodstock 40th Anniversary Concert
8/16 Blood Hill w/CM&Martha&Staceys
Gwen & Martha in kitchen
Partners' sign:Affliction
8/22 rain and Blues N Brews Westford, Nashoba Bump
Blues Cruise Nancy
245 2009 9/17/09-9/19/09 Germany&Switz w CR 9/17 Charles & car pre-hike - Gresgen
9/18 Grand ballon hike w/Charles
scenic France
9/19 Swiss hike w/Charles & Andrea castle ruins, Statue of Liberty
toll tower
246 2009 9/19/09-9/22/09 SwissHike-GScheidegg 9/19 toll tower - castle - Steiner building
9/20 Hohe Mohr tower
9/22 Grosse Scheidegg
247 2009 9/22/09-9/29/09 Sw.Alps-Fr.Alps 9/22 top of First lift - Faulhorn - Schynigge Platte
9/23 Alpiglen - Eiger Trail - Kleine Scheidegg
9/28 alps from train
9/28 Mont Blanc from Chamonix
9/29 Refuge du Bel Lachat - Le Brevent
248 2009 9/29/09-9/30/09 Brevent-AiguilleMidi 9/29 Le Brevent - Chamonix
9/30 Top of Aiguille du Midi via tram
249 2009 9/30-09-10/4/09 Aiguille-CAinCar 9/30 shoulder of Aiguille du Midi - Montenvers & Mer de Glace
tourist train trolley in Chamonix
10/4 Kidder Mt w/Martha, Rudy, Lucky, Parker
10/4 CA in car at Bootlegger
250 2009 8/23/09-9/5/09 Marshfield-Watatic 8/23 Marshfield fest
8/24 Meadowbrook, Doc
8/25 Doc&Jim Clapham
8/25 So.Presidentials
8/26 Moosilauke sign
8/29 Watatic in cloud & rain w/Rudy&Lucky
8/30 Monadnock
dark Charlotte DelRossi's
9/4(?) Kellan tries driving
9/5 Watatic w/CM,Martha,Kellan
251 2009 9/7/09-10/25/09 Whiteface-Monadnock 9/7 Whiteface & Passaconaway w/CM,Jen,Rudy,Lucky
10/10 Watatic w/JL
10/10 'Energy to Go' having special on '5-hour Energy'
10/25 Monadnock via Fairy Spring w/Jen
252 2009 11/8/09-11/26/09 pumpkins-Thanksgivng (date?) pumpkins at the Morgans'
11/8 Nutting Hill w/Martha
11/14 Watatic in lt rain w/Rudy&Lucky
11/22 N Pack Monadnock w/Jen,R&L
11/22 BIOT Deja Brew
11/22 CA's cubicle at SG
11/22 Dan's mural at Partners'
11/26 Thksgvg
253 2009 11/26/09-12/12/09 Thanksgiving-Leni 11/26 Thanksgiving w/Ann&Frank,"Blair Witch hike"
12/1 Jen & Budget truck
12/2 nighttime Watatic w/Jen
12/5 Watatic w/Rudy&Lucky
12/6 Watatic w/Jen
12/12 Stump Sprouts w/Jen
12/12 Leni cutout&open studio,Woodstock poster on ceiling
112N/116S sign
254 2009 12/19/09-12/24/09 Blood Hill-igloo 12/19 CM,Rudy,Lucky Blood Hill
12/19 Jen & Alyssa's housewarming party
12/20 Watatic w/R&L
insulation-roll snowman at Morgans'
12/22 CM & Jen Blood Hill
deep snow parking at Dan and Dit's
12/24 Dit at grocery store
more parking
Igloo in daylight
255 2009 12/24/09 Dad-Leni print wall 12/24 Dad at physical therapy
Dad at Marco Polo
Alyssa & Pete at home
in the igloo
Dit's XMas tree
Daisy, Pete, Alyssa, & Kyle
Leni print wall in basement
256 2009 12/25/09-1/1/10 XMas-Doc's NewYear's 12/25 XMas at the Michel's
brunch w/Dad
Alyssa & Daisy
igloo's crying after rain & warmth
12/27 Taq 2 burnch Dit, Dad, Pete
12/29(?) CA and the dying igloo
12/29 Dibble
257 2009 12/28/09-1/12/10 Dad-Watatic 12/28 Dad plays video games
dinner w/Dad&Liz
1/2 Windblown outhousew/barroom doors
Jen in truck,fogged
1/3 X-C w/CM&Martha&Rudy&lucky
Morgans'hat&glove tree,fogged
Danny's mural,Partners'
1/5Charles+,in Worc.1/9 Windblown w/CM,1/12 Watatic
258 2010 1/6/10-1/30/10 Berni-Blood Hill 1/6 Berni, Duncan, & Candy
1/6 dinner for Charles at Jim & Abbe's
1/12 moonlight Watatic w/Jen
1/16 Nutting-Watatic w/Rudy & Lucky
1/17 Windblown w/Jen
1/19 Snail snowman Harlow's
1/23 Stump Sprouts w/RB
1/30 Blood Hill w/CM & R & L
259 2010 2/6/10-2/14/10Wind Windblown-Watatic 2/6(?)"This trail not on map",CA, Monadnock fm WIndblown
2/7 A/A/NI monument - Watatic w/Rudy & Lucky
R&L in car
2/12 Blood Hill w/R&L
2/13 Windblown with CM & Martha
260 2010 2/21/10-3/4/10 Watatic-SeanPatricks 2/21 Watatic w/ Rudy
2/22 nighttime Watatic w/Jen&Rudy&Lucky
2/28 snowy Watatic w/ Martha & R & L & Parker
3/2 Watatic w/Martha&R&L&Parker
3/4 Jen at Sean Patrick's
261 2010 3/6/10-3/16/10 JenXCpole-wadeWatatc 3/6 Jen w/dislodged pole basket at Windblown
Lodge interior
3/7 Windblown w/Jen
3/7 Watatic w/CM,Martha,Gwen,Rudy,Lucky,Parker
"Motorcycle parking only"
3/14 toppled Jesus on Blood Hill w/M &Kellan
3/16 Jen wades overflow toward Watatic
262 2010 3/21/10-4/10/10 Monadnock-Watatic 3/21 Monadnock HH-Fairy Spring w/Jen
3/26 Nicki & Abigail & woodstove
3/27 view from Okemo
4/3 CM & Rudy on S Pack Monadnock
4/10 Watatic w/Jen,CM, Rudy, Lucky
264 2010 4/11/10-4/21/10 Wapack-Monadnock 4/11 Wapack Temple Rd-N Pack Monadnock w/Jen, Rudy, Lucky
4/16 Blood Hill w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,Parker in lt rain
4/17 Watatic w/Jen & Rudy,Lucky
4/21 Monadnock Spellman-Pumpelly-Cascade w/Jen,&R&L
265 2010 4/21/10-5/2/10 Monadnock-Midstate 4/21 Monadnock loop, w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
4/23 BIOT trio at Deja Brew
4/25 Caton Hill w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,Parker
5/1 BIOT trio at Red Apple barn, outside
5/2 Midstate s of Watatic -Russell Hill w/Jen,Rudy,Lucky
267 2010 5/6/10-5/13/10 Watatic-Midstate Martha & new Honda Fit
5/6 Watatic w/ Martha
5/7 visit Kevin & Nicki & Sydney & Teagan
Rudy in car
bad photo of Lucky in car
5/13 Midstate, Muddy Pond etc w/ Jen, Rudy, Lucky
268 2010 5/23/10-5/28/10 Taq2-Watatic 5/23 Taq 2 - Dan, Dad, Liz, Pete
Dad's car w/Dad & Liz
5/26 Eric, Cass, Charlotte & house exterior
5/27 Wapack w/Jen, Rudy, Lucky 119 - Windblown
5/28 Watatic w/ Martha, Rudy, Lucky, Parker
269 2010 5/30/10-6/6/10 Midstate-Crawfishfst 5/30 Martha (in taqueria shirt),Rudy, Lucky Midstate tr
5/31 Blood Hill w/Martha & dogs
6/5 giant cat
6/6 Crawfish Fest NJ
270 2010 6/7/10-6/19/10 Giant Cat - Martha 6/7Giant Cat
Space for Freeholder
6/10Blood Hill w/Martha
6/10 Jen Bootlegger
6/11-13 Hampshire 40th: Bob, Berni,Duncan,JL,Emily
6/15Monadnock seekcave w/Jen bags plants
6/17Blood Hill w/Martha
6/18Wapack w Jen
271 2010 6/22/10-7/5/10 JanesPlaque-Baldface 6/22 Jane's plaque at NWDC (June's)
7/1-4 Nateva Festival
7/5 Baldfaces w/Jen
272 2010 7/5/10-7/6/10 Baldfaces-Mt Hight 7/5 Baldfaces w/ Jen
7/6 Wildcat - Carter Notch - Carter Dome - Mt Hight w/Jen
273 2010 7/6/10-7/30/10 Mt Hight-Gathering 7/6 Mt Hight & descent w/Jen
7/7 Mt Hale summit
7/18 'Narrow ridge' sign at New Ipswich bridge
7/25 Wapack Windblown-BinneyHillRd w/Cedwyn,Martha,Rudy,Lucky
7/29-Gathering of the Vibes Bridgeport
274 2010 7/30/10-8/7/10 Gathering-ReggaeFest 7/30 Gathering of the Vibes
Ed on the big screen
Restroom World
Gans & Wavy Gravy
8/3 Jen's steps in progress
8/7 Ann & Frank & house
8/7 Charlemont Reggae Fest
275 2010 8/13/10-9/3/10 Watatic - Watatic 8/13 Watatic w/Martha
8/14 Monadnock Pumpelly w/Jen
8/17 Jaffrey bldg
8/20 SG picnic, Neal & Chauvin dunk tank
8/21 Blues'N'Brews Nashoba Bump
8/22 Marshfield Blues at fair
8/27 Jen's finished steps
9/3 Watatic w/ Martha
276 2010 9/6/10-9/23/10 Midstate-Acadia 9/6 Midstate (Ashburnham) w/Martha
9/9 Doc Hibbs & daughter DDS
9/9 Camel's Hump
9/10 Mansfield
9/19 Mt Cardigan w/ Jen
9/20 Watatic w/ Martha
9/21 Morgans' floor in transition after Lucky pukes
9/23 Cadillac Mt in Acadia
277 2010 9/23/10-9/26/10 Acadia-Watatic 9/23 Acadia Cadillac S Ridge w/ Dit & Dan
Precipice Tr - Champlain N Ridge w/Dit & Dan
9/24 Bald Peak summit, Dit in cloud
9/25 Pemetic - Jordan Pond - Penobscot - Sargent
9/26 Watatic w/ Lucky
278 2010 9/29/10-10/3/10 PartnersSign-Kinsman 10/29 Jah Spirit sign at Partners Pub
Partners weekly schedule w/typos
Danny's mural
10/2 Carter Range w/ Jen
10/3 Lonesome Lake and Hut
Kinsmans w/ Jen
279 2010 10/11/10-10/14/10 M&M trail - Nutting 10/11 M & M Trail Fitzilliam-Warwick w/ CM&Rudy&Lucky
leash on 119
Royalston Falls
10/12 Norwottuck fm Bare
quarry in action
Bare-Hitchcock w/ RB
'1 of 24 people is a robot'
Pam's Spot 2010
Michael Hurley portrait
10/14 Martha & CA on Nutting
280 2010 10/21-29/2010 MoonWatatic-Amethyst Moonlight Watatic w/Jen 10/21
Blood Hill w/Martha 10/22
Monadnock w/Charles, et al, - Cat's 10/23
C&M Valley Rd loop 10/24
Monadnock w/ Eric 10/26
Doc, CR, Laura at Amethyst Bk 10/29
bridge over Amethyst Brook
281 2010 10/30-11/12/2010 WapackTr-N Pack 10/30 Stony Top w/Martha via Pratt Pond Tr 1st X
Martha w/ red bush
Kellan in Ninja Wizard costume
10/31 Monadnock w/Jen
11/6 Blood Hill w/C&M
11/9 Jen & truck & on Watatic
11/12 Nikki's dogs at Ted's trailhead
282 2010 11/17-25/2010 BloodHill-Thanksgvg 11/17 Martha & Lucky on Blood Hill
11/18 Jen & Rudy on Watatic
sunset (from W?)
11/20 BIOT at Red Apple Farm
11/24 Blood Hill w/Martha
11/25 Thanksgiving at Ann & Frank's & w/Fran&Lisa, kids, Lisa's mom
283 2011 1/10-12/2011 FL alligators-Rudy 1/10 Alligator farm and fanboats
1/12 Rudy after surgery #2
284 2010 11/27/10 - 1/15/11 BIOT - Dad's 90th 11/27BIOT Deja Brew
11/30Ogunquit house
Jen-Common Man, Portsmouth
12/7Blood Hill w/Martha
CM&dogs on Monoosnock Ridge Tr
12/31Watatic w/Jen&CM
1/2Watatic w/Jen
1/15Dad's 90th party
285 2011 1/30-2/11/11 Rocchi's-Watatic 1/30 Ann&Frank's fm driveway
RB-Stump Sprouts
meal grinder
strange Mac
Mike & VCR
2/4 Rudy at Caton
2/9 Watatic:NH leg sign, Nutting, col, summit w/Lucky, Grandview
snow piles plowed at #16
2/11 Watatic w/Jen&Lucky,raised relief snow f
286 2011 2/12-3/11/11 Jen's truck-Watatic 2/12 Jen's truck and CA's car at #16,Jen waxing-Waterville
Jen buys petfood
Jen-Common Man Concord
#16w/lotsa snow
2/26 Jen&CA-Windblown
2/27 Martha-Windblown, new canvas map
3/4 Jen-Windblown
3/5 CM-Windblown
3/11(?)Watatic w/snow,ice,mud
287 2011 3/14 - 4/8/11 Watatic-Kevin&Nikki' 3/14 Watatic w/Jen&Lucky
3/15 Cassie&Charlotte DelRossi's
3/20 Mt Mansfield XC & cabin w/Jen
27Watatic w/Jen
3/27 CM on ladder inside & C&M Blood Hill
3/29 Rudy - GrandView
4/8 Kevin,Nikki,Sydney,Teagan,Abigail,&CA
288 2011 4/9-4/30/11 Eric's-Dit&Alyssa 4/9Eric's hse bldgs
4/9 ice,snow,view Pumpelly
Gwen in driveway
4/10 Martha,CA Watatic
"No More Ugly Uggs"
4/14Martha Blood Hill
4/24C&M Midstate,Stodge Meadow view
4/27Jen Bootlegger
289 2011 4/30-5/8/11 Dit-Valley Rd 4/30 Dit hammers Pete's rm
Dogwood hse
Dad hosp bed
5/1 Dad preps for&atTaq2
Dan tames backyard
5/4 Jen-Pub
5/5Jen&truck LSF
Martha&R&L Caton
5/7race mayhem Watatic
5/8C&M&G&K Valley Rd
290 2011 5/13-5/20/11 Caton-Dogwood 5/13 Caton w/CM,Rudy,Statue
5/15 wet Watatic Rudy & Lucky & in car
5/16 JL Mango Grill
Jen&dogs Wachusett
5/19Chris's Family Restaurant Allentown
5/20 Alyssa&Barnaby
old&new Gauguin
patio in progress
291 2011 5/21-6/1/11 Dit&Barnaby-mailbox 5/21Dit&barnaby
5/22Pete keys&Alyssa Taq2
5/25 new Watatic Reservation sign&graded pk lot
R&L in car
5/30 Ashby Mem Day parade
5/30 Watatic w/Martha
5/31Chip&Jill's dogs at Jen's
new mailbox
292 2011 6/4-6/10/11 CrawfishFest-Dit Contrats grads Lindsey&Gwen signs
6/4 Crawfish Fest
6/5 Dibble at campsite
Crawfish Fest
big tree at campsite
6/6tornado damage on 84
Barnaby on deck w/doggie gate
finished patio
window camouflage
6/10 Dit&balloons-Marriott fr Alyssa's bday event
293 2011 6/11-6/19/11 Dad service - to CA 6/11 Dad's apt w/chairs setup
6/12 Pete, Dit, Janet&Russell at Taq 2 brunch
-Taq3 shell w/Janet&Russell
backyard hideaway in progress
6/13 tornado damage on 84
6/15 Jen - Bootlegger
6/19 Jen,Alyssa,CA,A's car loaded for shuttle to train
294 2011 6/26 - 7/2/11 Watatic-helicopter 6/26 C&M,CA Watatic
7/1 Fairy Spring
Martha on Monte Rosa, Monadnock
7/2 Mossy Brook, Monadnock w/Jen
rescue helicopter perched on flank of Monadnock
295 2011 7/8 - 7/17/11 Moosilauke-Rockland 7/8 Moosilauke
7/9 Franconia Ridge & dogs in cloud
Alien encounter mural in Lincoln, NH
7/14 Jen on N. Pack Monadnock w/Lucky
7/16-17 North Atlantic Blues Festival, Rockland, ME
296 2011 7/21 - 7/27/11 Gathering-CA in car 7/21 Doc tenting at Gathering
Potty Time!
7/27 Monadnock
CA in car
297 2011 8/2 - 8/13/11 Wapack-Charlemont 8/2 Wapack w/Martha&R&L&P
zen rock
CA sits at Council Bluff
8/3 Jen on Webster Cliff Trail
8/5 Jen&truck,Watatic
8/6 Barnful of Blues
8/9 Jen (in pk lot?)
8/11 Black Precipice Monadnock
8/13Ann&Frankat home
<-Heath Fair->sign
Charlemont ReggaeFest
298 2011 8/17 - 9/4/11 Monadnoc-Kidder 8/17 Monadnock
8/18 meet Juno, 1st X, at home
8/20 Blues'n'Brews,Nashoba Bump
8/24 Kellan at veggie stand
8/26 Jim&Abbe S.Amh,Mexican rest.
Bob McC Amherst brewpub
8/28 Sloppy Hurricane Irene Watatic w/Jen
9/4 CA on Kidder
299 2011 10/2 - 11/15/11 Monadnock-Jen'n'Juno 10/2 Jen, CA Monadnock
10/3 or 10/6 Blood Hill w/Martha
Jack,the dog,w/frisbee
10/7 CM on M&M Trail Wendell-Warwick
10/8 JL on Watatic
11/9 Juno porcupine #1
11/13 Wataticw/Martha, giant puddle on NH road
11/15 Edna at home
11/15 Jen&Juno in LSF pk lot
300 2011 11/18 - 11/27/11 Martha-RattlsnakKnob 11/18 Martha&CA at Willard Brook SF(?)
Martha rakes w/hand rakes
11/19 Australian cattle dogs on Pernaa's
11/20 RB & ski lift on Pocumtucks
giant corn sculpture
11/25 dark Blood Hill
11/26 bye '08 Hyundai photos
11/27 CA,CR,Jim,Fred on Rattlesnake Knob
301 2011 12/6 - 12/30/11 Dan-N.Pack Monadnock 12/6 Dan at the store
12/8 Jen at Pub
12/9 CM,Jen Watatic
12/16Watatic fm Tom Mikes' w/Martha
new trail distances sign
Jen&Juno Watatic
12/17bridge in Pearl Hill w/CM
12/17 C&M&Jack Blood Hill
dogs in car
12/25CM Blood Hill
12/30N Pack w/Jen&Juno
302 2011 12/31 - 1/17/11 C&M&CA-Watatic 12/31 C&M,CA outside w/vests
1/1Watatic w/Martha
1/3 CA,Jen,R,L,Juno in car
1/7 CM&R&L in car
1/7Wapack w/C&M,Cath,Pete
1/11 Jen&Alyssa Colonial
1/14 CM Blood Hill
1/15 snowy trail to Watatic w/R&L
1/17 Jen & dogs on cloudy,gloomy Watatic
303 2012 1/17 - 1/28/12 JunoPorky#2-BloodHil 1/17 Juno - porky victim 2nd X
Rudy in car
Jen,Alyssa,Juno at vet
1/18 Jen Blood Hill
1/22 Jen Stump Sprouts
1/24 Martha&CA Blood Hill
1/25 Martha Valley Rd field
1/26 NH leg jct & Watatic
1/27 Muddy Pond Shelter w/Jen&dogs
1/28 Blood Hill sawing&sunset
304 2012 1/29/12-2/12/12 N Pack - Taq 2 1/29 N Pack Ted's - Carolyn's w/ C&M & Mary & Cath
1/31 Jen at McNally's
Rudy & Lucky Blood Hill
C & M & Rudy Casper's Cave
2/10 Jen at Colonial
2/12 Taq 2 w/ Dit, Glen, Pete
2/12 Dit at rest/bar by Taq 3
305 2012 2/13/12-2/22/12 Taq 2-Casper's Cave 2/13 Dit & Guido at Taq 2
2/14 Dan torches XMas tree
2/16 Nickle truck at dimes depository
2/16 Dibble's trailer & Dibble at dinner
2/18 C&M&Jen&dogs Wapack Temple Mt-Temple Rd
2/18 Jen&Alyssa at Harlow's
Martha&Parker Casper's
Jen&R&L&J Casper's Cave
306 2012 2/22?25-3/14/12 Willard Bk-Watatic 2/22 or 2/25 WBSFw/Juno&R&L
CA&Jen w/dogs in car
2/26 C&M Pernaa's loop
3/9 Jen overlooks Stodge Meadow Pond
3/11 JL by train & Sean Patrick's
3/11 Martha Spiny Knob, Ladder Rock
3/12 Jen McNally's
3/13 hail at Captain's Lounge
3/14Watatic w/Martha,sign
307 2012 3/15/12-4/18/12 DelRossi's-Lafayette 3/15 Eric&Charlotte at Del Rossi's
3/26 Martha & CA on Caton
3/29 Jen Old Mill
4/1 Monadnock w/Jen-Black Precipice,Monte Rosa
4/6 Martha Blood Hill
4/8 Martha&R&L Blood Hill
4/11 Martha Casper's Cave
4/11 Jen WBSF
4/18 Lafayette w/Jen&Juno Skookumchuck
308 2012 4/19/12-5/18/12 Tecumseh-MightyHigh 4/19 Mt Tecumseh w/Jen&Juno
4/20 Parker w/Martha's legs
5/6 w/RB - Monadnock
Kellan w/raquet
5/13 CA,Martha,Kellan at Stodge Meadow Pond overlook
Rudy & Lucky in the van
5/18 Mighty High Festival
309 2012 5/20/12-7/24/12 MightyHighFest-Caton 5/20-21 Mighty High Fest
5/23 car smashed in driveway & being towed
6/3 2nd funny Jaffrey bldg painting
7/19 Monadnock - solo
7/20 Moosilauke w/ Jen & Juno
7/24 Caton w/ Martha
310 2012 8/7/12-9/5/12 Watatic-Watatic 8/7 Martha on Watatic
8/17 Jen on N Pack
9/2 Mt Holyoke w/RB - M&M lit trail sculptures
9/2 Jim's driveway
9/3 C&M Stodge Meadow Pond overlook
9/5 CA & Jen on Watatic
311 2012 9/9/12-9/23/12 BIOT-Watatic 9/9 BIOT at Red Apple Farm w/Tina,Alyssa,MJ,Fern,Erin,Juno,Bob
9/11 Mt Tom Range w/Juliana
9/20 CA&Martha on Watatic
Watatic monument
graffiti on Watatic map case
9/23 Watatic w/ JL
312 2012 10/26/12-12/8/12 Free Chair - Caton 10/26 Free Chair
10/31 Lucky's Halloween scarf
Morgans' pumpkins
11/2 Caton w/Lucky,Martha, CA
Swept trail in WBSF
11/16 moose in field
12/6 Jen & Juno on Caton
Rudy,Lucky,Cedwyn in car
12/8 Caton w/ lotsa people & dogs
313 2012 12/15/12-12/24/12 Dinosaur-Dibble&car Gwen's dinosaur sculpture
12/15(?)CM&dogs Blood Hill
12/16 CM Blood Hill, in snow
12/17 Jen &J&R&L snowy Watatic
12/21 Dit restaurant superstore
12/21 Dit&Robin walk dogs
garage door advent calendar
Dogwood hse
12/24 Dit,Alyssa,Pete,Janet,DibbleTaq
314 2012 12/25/12-1/21/13 XMas-Watatic 12/25 XMas tree, presents,booze at Dogwood
1/1 RB&CA Stump Sprouts
1/4 Jen,CA,Juno snowy Watatic
1/6 Wapack-Burton w/C&M
1/7(?) Caton
1/9(?) sunset (fm Watatic?)
1/12(?) Watatic w/R&L(snowing?)
1/19 Watatic w/skier,glowing sunbeams
1/21 Watatic w/Martha
315 2013 1/23/13-2/22/13 Watatid-sled dogs 1/23 (1/25?1/27?)late-day Watatic
1/30 Watatic(w/snow?)
2/3 Blood Hill w/CM
2/5 Eric,Charlotte Del Rossi's
2/6 Watatic
2/8 Watatic,snowing,w/Cedwyn,Martha,Jen, Alyssa,dogs
2/19 Watatic w/Jen
2/22 sled dogs Mt Wash hotl
316 2013 2/22/13-3/16/13 Mt Wash-icy slush 2/22 X-C Bretton Woods w/Jen, Mt Washington views
3/7 Watatic w/Jen
driveway w/snow
3/9 Watatic w/Lucky
3/9,3/10 snow pile at Watatic gate
3/10 Watatic
3/11 Blood Hill w/Martha & dogs
3/16 frozen slush on Watatic ascent
317 2013 3/18/13-3/31/13 Nutting-Nutting 3/18 Watatic w/Rudy&Lucky
3/21 X-C Windblown w/Jen
3/21 Jen w/X-C skis atop Watatic
3/23 RB&new sign at Stump Sprouts
3/24 Windblown
3/25 Caton
3/26 Bretton Woods, bare ground Mt Wash Hotel
Bear Notch ungroomed trail
3/30 Watatic
3/31 Watatic
318 2013 4/4/13-4/17/13 Watatic-Casper'sCave 4/4 Watatic
4/5 Caton, Martha Lindsey,Nick
4/6 Windblown viewfields&bare spots
4/8 Kevin,Nicki,Sydney,Teagan
K's shop & ugly lamp
4/10 Norwottuck w/Charles
4/11 Watatic w/Rudy
4/12Muddy Pond shelter
4/13 Watatic
beaver in pond
4/17 Casper's Cave
319 2013 4/19/13-5/4/13 Ava-Black Precipice 4/19 Ava CA's
Blood Hill
4/20 WBSF tree on "ladder"
4/22 Caton w/Martha,Nick
4/23 Rattlesnake Knob w/Charles,Jim,Fred
4/24 Watatic fm Pillsbury
4/26 Caton wC&M&Nick
4/29 Blood Hill
4/30 VisitNH at VT rest area
Doc Hibbs
4/30,5/3 Blood Hill
5/4 Monadnock
320 2013 5/4/13-5/27/13 Monadnock-Blood Hill 5/4 Monadnock w/Jen
5/6 Watatic
5/8 Blood Hill w/Martha,CA w/Rudy
5/16 big fallen branch just missed Lindsey,Nick
5/19 zen rock towers on Watatic summit pedestals
5/22 Jen's truck at home (dark)
5/27 Blood Hill w/ Martha
321 2013 5/31/13-6/5/13 KellanGrad-BloodHill Kellan Congratulations Graduate!
5/31 Mexican restaurant in NJ chairs&tables
6/1-2 Crawfish Fest
6/3 Dibble's trailer post-Sandy
(mourn) "Climate Change"
6/4 Dibble's new rental house
6/5 Blood Hill w/Martha
322 2013 6/6/13-6/26/13 DitMonadnock-Watatic 6/6 Dit on Monadnock
6/7Dit in WillardBook in rain
6/12 Berni at Old Mill
6/15Martha,Lindsey,Nick,Bob,dogs-Blood Hill
Martha&Parker&CABlood Hill
6/25(dark)Eric's house
6/26(?)Jen,CA,Rudy on Watatic
323 2013 7/13/13-7/27/13 Rudy scar-Gathering Rudy's scar from 7/12 tumor removal
7/13 tent assembly for Kellan's grad party
7/13(?)sheep&goats at camp
7/17or19 Watatic
7/20vendors at Chris' Concert
7/21Jen&Juno S.Pack&CouncilBluffs
7/24 Caton Hill
7/27Funky Meters at Gathering
324 2013 7/27/13-8/8/13 Gathering-JL&Eve 7/27 Funky Meters at Gathering
7/28 Wavy Gravy
8/2 Mt Hunger w/Martha,Rudy
8/3 Airstreams,steps,construction at Doc's Colrain
8/3 Charlemont Reggae Fest
8/5 Welch & Dickey
8/8 JL & Eve, JL's birthday
325 2013 10/7/13-10/21/13 Blood Hill - Caton Blood Hill
10/7 Crawfish on way to Watatic
10/9(?)CA w/R&L in Martha's car- Pernaa's loop
Rudy & Martha
10/11(?) Blood Hill w/Martha&Rudy
10/18 Caton Hill w/ C&M,Kellan,Lindsey,Nick, K & N on grass
10/20 righted tree on Yellow Tr in WBSF
10/21(?) Caton
326 2013 11/16/13-12/24/13 Pumpkins-Dan atstore Morgan pumpkin fades-gone
11/16RB Norwottuck&chinchilla
Doc&Laura's Doc swaps car engine
11/24 Jen,Alyssa,Fern Red Apple Farm
11/25 icefountain,Wachusett
12/5 Jen McNally's
12/6Rich&Tom,Eric&CA at CA's
12/22Watatic fm Bennett w/L
327 2013 12/24/13-12/26/13 MosaicTh-Fire Pit 12/24AngelicaTh&garage,Mosaic Dist
Barnaby warning sign
12/25Dogwood XMas
New office window
cool print fm Mary Hoyt
Ballou w/James,&w/Alyssa
12/26Fire pit at Dogwood w/Dit,Dan,Russell
XMas lights
1/1Mt Hunger w/Jen
1/10 walk fm Sue's
328 2014 1/19/14-1/21/14 Cruise boat-StThomas 1/19 Sandy Beaches Cruise boat - Norwegian Pearl
"bunkering in progress"
towel animal
"Wash your hand often"
St Thomas
329 2014 1/23/14-1/31/14 Tortola-Watatic 1/23 Tortola
1/26 Andrew's place W Palm Beach 1st X:townhouse,Amigo and Andrew
1/29 Blood Hill
1/30 Watatic
1/31 Watatic w/Jen,Juno,Rudy,Lucky
330 2014 2/7/14-2/28/14 Caton-Caton 2/7Martha dons shoes for Caton - Caton
2/8 Stump Sprouts w/RB
2/13 Windblown w/Sue
#16 car & snow piles
2/23(?) Jen & dogs in truck
2/28(?) Caton Hill w/Martha & dogs
331 2014 3/9/14-3/31/14 Watatic-NuttingHill 3/9(?)snow pile Watatic gate,Nutting
3/10Watatic w/Rudy&Lucky
3/13Blood Hill w/C&M&R&L-cold!
3/19Valley Rd, snow&ice w/Martha&dogs
3/25Martha running at Caton
3/27Windblown-Valley View sheltr&viewflds
3/30WBSF fm Park HQ
332 2014 8/7/06-4/30/13 Doc Hibbs,DDS photos Photos of Doc Hibbs, her office, and daughter Julia, DDS - search prints on 'Hibbs' to locate
333 2014 3/31/14-4/25/14 Watatic-tree at #16 3/31(?) Watatic w/Rudy&Lucky
4/2 Wachusett w/Jen
4/11 Rocky Knoll w/Martha
4/15 Jen McNally's
4/16 Eric's house,Ava,Charlotte's turtle
4/18 Blood Hill
4/24 N Pack w/Jen&Juno
4/25 bridge failing,Pearl Hill w/Martha
fallen tree at #16 on roof&driveway
334 2014 5/1/14-5/14/14 fallen tree-Watatic fallen tree at #16
5/1 Caton Hill
5/3 Blood Hill
5/7Monadnock w/Sue
5/11 Kidder w/Morgans
5/11 Mt Hunger view w/Jen&Juno
5/13 G&M w/collapsed awning
5/14 'moonlight' Watatic w/Sue
335 2014 5/18/14-5/31/14 stormcloud-FunkyMetr 5/18wall(?)cloud
5/25Sue at Council Bluffs,Monadnock fm Burton
5/26CatonHill w/C&M&R&L
5/30Blood Hill w/Martha,R&L,CA
5/31Rads!(Raw Oyster Cult) at CrawfishFest
5/31Funky Meters!
336 2014 6/2/14-6/16/14 Campsite-HarneyPk 6/2 tent&bear box,Stokescampsite,NJ
6/5Dogwood exterior
new patio,Dogwood
6/7Summer of '82 Revisited - 9001
6/9car under Iowa overpass
Car Country
6/10Eros Data Ctr
6/14Corn Palace
6/15Wall Drug,Badlands
6/16Mt Rushmore
granite towers towardHarneyPeak
337 2014 6/16/14-6/19/14 HarneyPeak-FernLake 6/16 Harney Peak summit
6/17 Mt Rushmore
6/17 Devil's Tower
6/18 Snowy Range
6/19 Trail Ridge Rd, Rocky Mountain National Park
6/19 waterfall - Fern Lake
338 2014 6/19/14-7/3/14 FernLake-Adirondacks 6/19Fern Lake & snowbank
6/24 Kellan&Maggie on stairway
Martha in kitchen
6/27 Swallow Hill & ponds w/Martha & dogs
6/30 - 7/3 Adirondacks w/Jen
339 2014 7/9/14-7/17/14 Acadia-Jim backyard 7/9 Long Pond,Acadia
7/9solo hike
Beech Mt
7/10Cadillac views
Flying Mountain w/Michels&James
Pemetic w/Dit,Dan,Pete
7/11 Sand Beach
scenic near Thunder Hole
7/12 North Atlantic Blues Fest
7/17 Jim in backyard
340 2014 7/17/14-8/20/14 Norwottuck-WhiteMts 7/17 Norwottuck w/Jim
8/1 Marzano's w/Eric&Charlotte
8/2 Barnful of Blues Fest
8/5 Mossy Brook(?),Monte Rosa w/Jen
8/7 Wapack hike w/Sue
8/17 Welch&Dickey
8/19 Moosilauke
8/20 Falling Waters-Franconia Ridge
341 2014 9/4/14-9/7/14 Lockn Festival 9/4 - 7 Lockn Festival
Furthur bus
Taj Mahal contest judge
Sam Cutler selling books
woodstove at campsite before its prohibition
Zane Kesey
rainbow at fest
Furthur bus - posted documentation
Erin & the Wildfire play Lockn Fest
342 2014 10/1/14-10/2/14 Bulacia-Monte Pez 10/1 views from Bulacia & Sciliar w/lift bldg
10/2 toward Panorama lift
Panorama Hotel
Hike to Rif Bolzano,Monte Pez, Rif Tires
CA on Monte Pez in Taqueria t-shirt
343 2014 10/3/14-10/17/14 SasCiampac-Norwottuc 10/3 hike to Sas Ciampac w/Bob
10/4 hike above Ortisei w/Bob
10/8 hike #1 above Tende
10/9 hike #2 above Tende
10/17 Jim & Abbe's back yard
Norwottuck views
Charles & Andrea, CA, Diana on Norwottuck
344 2014 10/6/14-10/24/14 Monterosso-BloodHill 10/6 Monteroso beach
Vernazza - Corniglia
10/17 Jim beside car
Diana at Jim's
10/19 Watatic w/JL
Rudy's dish elevated w/speaker stand
10/24 Casper's Cave
Martha & dogs in vests
Blood Hill w/Rudy & Lucky
346 2014 11/19/14-12/28/14 L.Monadnok-XmasDogwd 11/19 L. Monadnock
11/28 Rocchis' Thanksgiving
11/30 Frozen Watatic w/Jen & Juno
12/17 Nutting & CA on Wintery Watatic
12/24-28 XMas at Dogwood
347 2014 12/27/14-1/8/15 More XMas-Watatic XMas at Dogwood
12/27 Billygoat Tr w/Dit
new steps'n'patio at Dogwood
1/2/15 Cedwyn,Martha,Jen on Burton
Wapack-Council Bluffs-Temple Mt
349 2015 2/7/15-3/18/15 shoveled#16-Watatic 2/7(?) partly shoveled roof
dug-out car
dug-out car w/big snow piles
dug-out car w/bigger snow mounds
2/18 Windblown w/Jen
more dug-out car
3/8 RB Stump Sprouts
3/12 Caton
hunting blind at Caton
3/17(?) Juno in snow
3/18 Watatic gate & Nutting & summit
350 2015 3/24/15-5/8/15 Midstate-Blood Hill 3/24/15 Midstate S-Clearcut Hill w/Jen&Juno
3/29(?) VV shelter"toilet inside"
Windblown scenics
3/31 beagle at Windblown
4/2 Caton, snow lingers
4/2 Jen at Bootlegger
4/21 Wapack N Pack-S Pack
4/29 Rudy,Martha,CA on Blood Hill
5/8 Blood Hill w/R&L
351 2015 6/21/15-8/8/15 NPack-GloucesterFest 6/21 Ted's/Carolyn's N Pack w/Jen
7/21 S Pack via Raymond 1stX w/Jen,water dish for Juno
7/22 Blood Hill w/Martha,Rudy,Lucky,CA
7/24 Elephant Rock w/Martha(her 1stX)
8/1 Onset Blues Fest
8/2 Wapack-Burton w/C&M&R&L
8/8 Gloucester Blues Fest
352 2015 8/10/15-9/27/15 Welch/Dickey-Mt.Tom 8/10 Welch&Dicky, stepwork
8/11 Mt.Pemi,CA&Juno
8/12 Mt Cabot w/Jen (her 48th!)
8/13 Moosilauke w/Jen&Juno
8/22 Westford Blues'n'Brews
9/27 Mt.Tom hike w/RB, microburst scar
353 2015 10/23/15-10/31/15 ManateeCtr-BluesCruz 10/23 Manatee Center, Fort Pierce
Susan&Paul's Hollywood
10/25 Key West,CA w/sculpture,scenics
10/27 New Orleans
10/21 Cozumel
Westerdam dwarfed by Oasis of the Seas!
Blues Cruise
354 2015 11/29/15-1/31/16 Watatic-Watatic 11/29 Watatic w/Cedwyn&Martha&Rudy&Lucky
12/3 Jen at McNally's
12/24 Pete&bananas at store
Dogwood XMas
Dit at Taqueria
1/22 Jen&CA on Watatic
1/27 Martha&CA on Blood Hill, in cleats
1/31 Watatic stepping stones
CA bleached selfie on Watatic
355 2016 2/7/16-3/31/16 BloodHill-Midstate 2/7Blood Hill
Nick's snow fort
2/8Watatic in snow
2/14Wachusett fm Sunset Point
2/29Elephant Rock
3/1Caton doggie discipline sign
3/12 Gap Mt w/C&M
3/13Hunger Mt
3/20Ted's waterfall
356 2016 4/10/16-5/31/16 Blood Hill-BarrettMt 4/10NoVehicles signs,topw/Martha&R&L
4/12Charles Rattlesnake Knob
4/17 CM Blood Hill,CA bald head
4/20bleached Berni Old Mill
4/21?bleached "Connecta"sign
5/14Norwottuck w/Bob
5/17Martha&CA Blood Hill
5/27"Danger Boat Ramp"w/sign
357 2016 6/15/16-8/5/16 RudyBloodHill-Wapack 6/15 Rudy Blood Hill
7/5 Welch&Dickey
7/6 Jefferson
7/15Burbank 5mi race map
7/13N Pack Monadnock
7/19Monadnock rangers' lic. plates.BlackPrecipice,summit
8/5?Monadnock fm Wapack? 8/5Towers Bluff,zen rock evolution,Council Bluffs,S Pack fm Temple,wJen&J